Our objectives are:
We organize:
We take an active interest in philosophical education on all levels, including adult education.
You are also welcome to have a look at the Wikipedia page about us.
Who is PFA? Anja Steinbauer, Co-Founder and President Anja attended school (Gymnasium Corveystrasse) in Hamburg, Germany. She studied Sinology, History and Philosophy at the universities of Hamburg, Taipei (National Taiwan Normal University) and London (SOAS and King’s College). Her PhD thesis was about the 20th C Confucian philosopher Tang Junyi. Anja has taught philosophy at all levels and to a diverse range of audiences: she used to be subject coordinator for philosophy at City University, she-co wrote the syllabus for and taught the UK’s first Access to Philosophy course, and she has taught in adult education as well as sixth form A level and IB students. Anja is the co-founder (with Andrew Dodsworth in 1997) and president of Philosophy For All (pfalondon.org), co-founder of the London School of Philosophy (londonschoolofphilosophy.org) and a member of the editorial team of Philosophy Now magazine (philosophynow.org). She was one of the two hosts of Philosophy Now Radio (Resonnance FM) and also organises London’s biannual philosophy festival, the Philosophy Now Festival, which involves 37 philosophy events in a single day and is attended by about 2,000 people. She is the author of three books and numerous articles. Alexandra Konoplyanik, Secretary Alexandra grew up in Moscow, Russia and originally graduated in Management from the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. She spent almost a decade working in investment banks and executive search in Moscow and London before taking a degree in philosophy and public policy from the London School of Economics (LSE). Since then, Alexandra has been teaching philosophy in multiple schools in London and Moscow and facilitating philosophy discussions with children and adults in broader education, community, public sphere etc, as well as doing philosophical consulting for business. Alexandra is a certified philosophical counsellor with the American Philosophical Practitioners Association. Further info: https://alexandrakonoplyanik.com/ Andrew Dodsworth, Co-Founder, organiser of Philosophical Walks and former Secretary Andrew's bio coming soon |
On the first Monday* of every month the PFA meets at Kant's Cave at 7.30 pm for a lecture, debate and social evening. This usually takes place in the upstairs bar at the Two Chairmen, 39 Dartmouth Street, SW1H 9BP.
Kant's Cave is on Zoom also, for people who don't live in London or prefer to join the meeting that way; click on the title of the lecture and you will be taken to our Meetup page, and you can join the lecture from there.
* When the first Monday falls on a bank holiday, Kant's Cave will be on Tuesday.
Photograph of Two Chairmen, Dartmouth Street, Westminster © Copyright Andrew Abbott and licensed for reuse under the Creative Commons Licence.
Kant's Cave lectures 2024-25
In 2025 the Film Club will be held on every third WEDNESDAY of the month at the Café of St. Hilda's East Community Centre, 18 Club Row, London E2 7EY. The nearest station (just a few minutes walk) is Shoreditch High Street (Overground). The screening will start at 6:30 pm and we need to vacate the building by 9:00 pm (please, note the change of time from last year!). We offer complimentary light refreshments during the event.
This year’s films all revolve around the theme of “journey” – plenty of opportunity for philosophical exploration!
2025 Films
Midnight Philosophy by Candlelight
Meet up fortnightly on Thursday with Anja and other philosophers at midnight (UK time) for a candlelit hour of thinking about life, the universe and everything. All meetings are free, light a candle and join us on Zoom! Come in from 23:45, event starts at midnight. See you then!
Click on one of the links below to go to our Meetup page (if you're not a member of Meetup you will have to join, but it's free) and sign up for the event.
Midnight Philosophy 2024/2025
Political Animals
PFA POLITICAL ANIMALS returns, now on Zoom at 7.30 pm each second Monday of the month.
Join us for a short presentation, followed by friendly but serious discussion. Click on one of the links below to go to our Meetup page (if you're not a member of Meetup you will have to join, but it's free) and sign up for the event.
Meetings 2024/2025
Philosophical walks
"People who understand Plato say that the Florentines misunderstood him, and that their philosophy is most unsound. But in one respect at all events they used him rightly. Through him they recaptured for the world one of the secrets of ancient Greece - the secret of civilized conversation. The Middle Ages had separated serious discussion from daily life, confining it to the study and the lecture room and the hall of disputation. Florence, like Athens, summoned it into the open air, and bade it take its chance against birds and trees, evolve, if it could, from a dinner or a game of fives, yield, if it must, to a dance or to a song."
E M Forster: Gemistus Pletho
This is the idea behind our "philosophical walks". They aren't ambulatory lectures or structured discussions, simply walks during which philosophical discussion can take place due to the common interest of the walkers. Or not, if you'd rather just look at the scenery. The pace is unhurried and there is a stop for lunch in a pub. Boots are advisable, but if you don't mind getting them muddy, trainers should be adequate. Dogs are welcome as far as I am concerned, but you should check if the pub for lunch takes the same view.
Please click on the Doodle poll link in the page for the walk to let us know if you are coming. If the link isn't active, it's because the train times have not been confirmed.
If you want further information about any of the walks, email Andrew Dodsworth at andrew@isoband.org or phone 07904 286774.
2025 Walks
Sat 8 Feb - Cockfosters to Crews Hill - Piccadilly Line - various
3-A-Day Book Club
Junior Book Club: The Little Prince
Special Events
Useful Links
Joining and supporting PFA
Privacy Policy
Philosophy for All is a London-based group whose main activities are monthly lectures on philosophical issues and film screenings followed by discussions of philosophical issues raised by the film.
PFA collects and holds personal information about members. This consists of name, contact details, and membership duration. In addition, records are maintained of subscription payments and copies of any presentations given.
Any member wishing to verify the personal information held by PFA should apply to the Secretary, and let him know if you require any of your personal data to be removed. Personal data will not be passed to any third parties without your consent. You may be added to our email list at your request without becoming a financial member, and you can be removed again at your request at any time.
Contact us